Quest Mold and Asbestos Inspections and Testing

The Importance of Asbestos Inspections

In the renovation and construction industry, asbestos is known as an issue that should cause concern. In populated areas like New York City and surrounding areas it remains a problem even today. Asbestos, once known for its fire deterrent qualities and used in building materials, is now a known health hazard. Breathing asbestos fibers can cause respiratory complications and potentially even cancers. Knowing this makes the identification and removal process of ACMs, asbestos-containing material, important to protect the health of the community.

New York City’s Standards

In New York City, the regulations for asbestos inspections and abatement are important for the safety and health of the city. The city regulates that before any demolition or renovations projects begin, certified asbestos inspectors must identify any ACMs in the structures. This process seems extreme, but it to make sure that any ACMs are spotted and removed before they are disturbed. By following the strict guidelines, NYC is not only protecting its residents but also upholding its commitment to the environment by preventing the release of hazardous fibers into the air and soil.

Challenges of Long Island

Unlike New York City, Long Island does not have mandatory asbestos inspections before demolition or renovation. This poses a significant risk to the environment and the workers that are tasked with the project. Without inspections, the potential for contractors to overlook the presence of asbestos or to take short cuts increases. This negligence can put the community at risk of potentially being exposed to asbestos and obtaining respiratory problems.

Furthermore, the lack of proper inspection and abatement protocols increases the long-term environmental contamination. Asbestos fibers once they have settled go into the soil and stay for prolonged periods of time. This can cause ongoing health risks to not only the residents but the wildlife too. If these fibers are not effectively managed, they can potentially contaminate water sources and ecosystems amplifying the environmental impact of asbestos.

The Call for Stricter Regulations

To help lessen the risk and protect the environment of Long Island, there is a need for implementation of stricter guidelines for asbestos inspection and abatement. Closing this regulatory gap is important to help remove the health risks associated with being exposed and protecting the area from contamination. By adopting more requirements for asbestos inspection and abatement, Long Island can align itself with better practices in construction safety and uphold its responsibility to protect its residents and environment.


In conclusion, having the proper guidelines in place to prevent asbestos from contaminating the environment and the people that live in the area is so important. As an asbestos inspection company, we want our community to be aware of the dangers lurking in your home. Contact Quest Mold & Asbestos Testing & Inspection today to keep your family and environment safe.